Residential Mobility Pattern in Calabar Metropolis

Author Details

Tpl. Bassey, Sunday I. PhD, Ms. Akomaye, Esther A.

Journal Details


Published: 19 July 2019 | Article Type :


This study is aimed at examining the pattern of residential mobility with particular reference to Calabar metropolis. Residential mobility which is the movement of individuals or house holds between and within residential districts in a city is an inevitable process in any society and has become part of our urban life. The survey research approach was adopted for the study. Four hundred (400) copies of questionnaires were randomly administered in the study area, while three hundred and ninety three (393) were successfully filled and returned. The data obtained were analysed with the use of tables and simple percentages. Two (2) hypotheses were formulated and tested using the appropriate tests statistics. The findings revealed that the metropolitan area of Calabar experienced residential mobility between and within districts as a result of changes in income, availability of social infrastructure, household’s preference among others. However, the results of both hypotheses revealed that the variables for measurement were not very significant in the study. This was because their calculated values were greater than the significant level of 0.05. From the foregoing, some neighbourhoods or districts within the metropolis have experienced rapid transformation while others have degenerated from their original status. The study therefore recommends equitable distribution of income and social infrastructure for sustainable residential mobility. This will help to curtail economic and social segregation among residents of Calabar. The provision or restoration of these facilities will encourage residents to stay in their original neighbourhoods and also attract others to move into a neighbourhood.

Keywords: Residential Mobility, Calabar Metropolis, Pattern, Neighbourhood and Housing.

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How to Cite


Tpl. Bassey, Sunday I. PhD, Ms. Akomaye, Esther A.. (2019-07-19). "Residential Mobility Pattern in Calabar Metropolis." *Volume 3*, 3, 5-17